warrior monk training

About The Shaolin Warrior Monk Training

Shaolin India’s Warrior Monk Training welcomes participants of all ages, from 14 to 50+  Younger students join the Shaolin Neuro muscular Development Program encompassing beginners to advanced and professional martial artists. The Shaolin Warrior Monk Training program provides an authentic experience of Shaolin martial arts.

The training duration ranges from a 3-month foundation course to over five years. The curriculum is personalized based on factors like Kung Fu experience, age, and body quality. Medical clearance is mandatory to ensure participants are physically and mentally fit, without discrimination based on age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or country.

Classes are not fixed by size; rather, they focus on study topics like Kung Fu basics, power training, and self-defense. Group training involves collective sessions with up to 15 participants, fostering a collaborative environment. Individualized attention ensures each student learns directly from the master. Private lessons are available for additional instruction.

Grading of Students
Grading is mandatory every four months, evaluating Kung Fu progress and boosting confidence. Formal certifications are awarded upon completion of the Shaolin Warrior Monk Training. Long-term students can earn additional certifications based on their progress.

warrior monk training

Sample Training Curriculum
Between 1 to 12 months, a student is considered a beginner.
The number of forms learned depends on the length of stay, student diligence, body quality and personal ability. 

Shaolin Rumen Level 1, 2 & 3 

  1. Wu Bu Chuan 
  2. Basic Sanshou
  3. Shaolin Cuji Level 
  4. Lian Huan Quan – Linked chain fist
  5. Xiao Hong Quan with Applied Application in Sanshou
  6. Iron hand and Body conditioning training
  7. Yin Shou Gun Staff
  8. Shaolin Jiben Gong and application
Shaolin Warrior Monk Training

Shaolin Rumen Kungfu- Preparation- 1(Opening Door to Shaolin Kungfu)-
A person understands how to create Chuan( Fist), Chaang(Palm) and Kow( Beak fist), Shuang chuang Pile( Prepratory postistion for any Form). The preparation level also introduces the five classic stances of Shaolin Kungfu; Kum bu, ma bu, xie bu, pu bu and xu bu. This they provide excellent conditioning for the legs and lower body.

Shaolin Rumen Kungfu- Preperation- Level 2 (Opening Door to Shaolin

  • Rumen kungfu –preperation level 1
    Shaolin Prepration level 2 will include Shaolin Basic Drills( Jiben
    Gong) which will help a person to build a proper foundation for
    performing shaolin Forms . The students will learn
  • 3 variations of Mabu Kumbu Drill
  • Pubu Qi jang( Skimming Stance Drill)
  • Tan Tui( Punch and kick coordination Drill)
  • Sanshou Gou Quan ( Hook punch)
  • Sanshou Bian Tui ( Round House kick)

These patterns provide the basis of the co-ordination and conditioning for combat techniques. All these  are jiben Gong  are combined in the
primary form, wu bu quan( 5 Stance Fist Form) which Student Will learn In Preperation level 2.

Shaolin Kungfu Cu Zi ( Foundation Level)- ( Including Preparation Level 1 and 2)
The foundation class Introduces Student to Lian Huan quan ( linked Chain Boxing) form. These traditional forms requires the student to be mentally and physically alert. Practising the form improves the martial artist’s co-ordination. The continuous movements of the form develop breath control and the synchronisation of the breathing with the movement. The Student is also Introduced to Next level of Shaolin Sanshou where the fundamentals of the are the individual punches and kicks. When a student is starting the beginning level, he or she faces the hardest challenge; the introduction of wholly new movements. But the foundation class draws on the essence of those movements which the student has acquired through the previous level. For instance, how one drives the whole body behind a punch or the balance and control of the hips required in a kick. It takes the essence of these movements and develops them into the combat applicable punches and kicks that will be honed through out this class.

Shaolin  Cu Zi level 2( Foundation Level 2)
Foundation Level 2 the student learn First Part of Shaolin Form Xiao Hong Quan( Small Red Hong Boxing) which is considered to be mother form of Shaolin Form. This Form is also highly usefull in Sanshou combat techniques. Apart from Learning Xiao Hong quan the students are taken more deep into Sanshou where they learn Side kick, Sanshou throws like double leg take down, neck take down and hig throw . Apart from that they are also introduced to Shaolin Qin Na( Grabbing and Locking Skills).