Progressive Fighting Systems

For any combat system to be effective, it must address two key components:

1.It must prepare your mind to neutralize a threat
2.It must prepare your body to fight in any range and situation
This was the philosophy on which Bruce Lee based his approach to combat. This philosophy was passed on through his lineage on to Paul Vunak – the founder and head of Progressive Fighting Systems. To understand PFS, we must go deeper to it’s roots – the training Sifu Vunak received for over 30 years directly under Guro Dan Inosanto, who was Bruce Lee’s Protégé, close friend and training partner of many years. As is the case with life itself, everything must evolve to fulfil the current situation. Keeping this in mind, Paul Vunak continued to refine Bruce Lee’s JKD and Kali, which ultimately resulted in the creation of ‘Rapid Assault Tactics’ – a system designed for the US Navy SEALS, which is simple to learn, and execute in a short period of time.

The effectiveness of PFS is evident from RAT (Rapid Assault Tactics), designed by Sifu Vunak for US Navy Seals. RAT is also used by the CIA, FBI, DEA, US Marshals, SWAT, DOD(the Department of Defence) the US Air Force and numerous US police agencies. Such agencies are often in extremely deadly situations, have less time to train and their effectiveness on the field is crucial. Hence, RAT was designed specifically to be quick, efficient with aggressive tools like Head butt, Knees, Elbows, ground training and full of destruction techniques of pinching, gouging and uninterrupted biting ( from Kino Mutai, lost art of pinching and biting from Old Filipino masters taught to Dan).

This system has finally been brought to India by Shifu Kanishka. Shifu Kanishka is Full Instructor under Shifu Paul Vunak and the only person authorised in India to teach Progressive Fighting Systems.

The lineage of the PFS family is from Bruce Lee to Dan Inosanto to Paul Vunak and now it could be you, if you are willing and dedicated.

What you can expect from class:

The system is designed to address violent situations involving single and multiple aggressors. Your training will include:

1.Stress Inoculation drills involving weapons, ground-recovery, stand-up fighting, and mass attacks.
2.Functional application of JKD-Kali and Wing Chun weapon and trapping tactics along with Dumog & Kino Mutai for ground threat neutralization.
3.Development of ‘killer instinct’ – responding to a threat with appropriate aggression following the force quantum principles.

Who should join:
The curriculum is developed for the military and to deal with acts of extreme violence. In order to maintain the sanctity of the system and reduce liability on the school, applicants will be screened personally by Shifu Kanishka before being accepted for training.

The History & Background
In 1959, Bruce Lee’s form was Wing Chun. After working with Americans, with larger and stronger bodies, he realized that more was needed. A few years later, he met Dan Inosanto and right from 1964 to 1973, Bruce Lee and Dan worked together to create Jeet Kune do. Their process was to carefully analyse, apply and integrate principles of every martial art form and philosophy important to street fighting – like Kali, Fencing, Savate, Thai boxing, Western boxing to name a few. In 1977, Vunak started training in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino Kali Academy, directly under Dan, the mantle holder of JKD. Right from the beginning here, it was drilled upon him the most important principle of JKD – ‘’Constant Growth and Progression’’. This is the path that’s followed by the PFS family now. With the advent of Mixed Martial Arts as a sport as well as the evolution of violent offences in the world, JKD had to undergo its evolution, as stated by Bruce Lee. As a result, Paul Vunak developed JKD into a comprehensive combat system that addresses all-fighting ranges including weapons. To further refine the system and make it quick and simple to learn for absolutely anyone, Rapid Assault Tactics were developed. RAT was based on the concept of a 3 part strategy – Successful entry to neutralize the threat; Pressure on the opponent; and finally elimination/neutralization of the threat.

However, PFS is more than just a self-preservation system. It also lays emphasis on self-perfection. This is where art meets combat. PFS is not only designed to provide you with survival tactics, it will also help you develop physical and mental attributes to maximize your potential as a fighter and your chances of survival.

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