Shifu Kanihska on Jeet kune do

 Shifu Kanihska on Jeet kune doJeet kune do was primarily amongst my most loved martial arts styles. I was exposed in my initial years to the concept of Jeet kune do during my college years while learning Kung fu in Delhi with a master who called his training Kung fu Jeet Kune. It was only later during my quest to learn Wing Chun I met Ajarn(Master) Wang in Thailand, I had traveled to learn Wing chun and Ajarn Wang called Wing chun as modified Jeet Kune Do. My training with Ajarn Wang was easy to learn, his teachings had no forms like I was used to Shaolin Kung fu. Master Wang spoke on Interesting concepts of straight line for shortest distance, concept of triangle, about how to quickly finish the fight! It was for the first time there was no talk about competition, it was about the practical use of the body as a tool to fight and survive a real street fight – hit the eyes, hit the throat, hit the groin. Training Jeet kune do, with Master Wang was a great learning experience! It was he who actually introduced me to terms like hubad lubad, dumog, the chi sau drill.

Jeetkune is the the way of intercepting fist, Sadly many practitioners today are not intercepting that is a big problem! That is how Jeetkune do loses its essence. The philosophy of jeet kune do is very minimalist. With the least amount of movement you are able to solve a problem. Jeet Kune Do taught me to not waste energy, motion and time. Jeet Kune Do is about simplicity, about adding what is useful and rejecting what is useless, always adding something of your own, recreating that from your own perspective.

What I learn from Jeet kune do is to discard what is not serving you
People like to hold on to thinks live in the present, to let go is the most beautiful thing Jeet Kune Do teaches us is to keep it simple, live in the present. Master Wang always said “ be spontaneous in nature, spontaneous behavior, act now, be now, not thinking about past or future”

Jeet Kune do was developed by Bruce Lee, today there are many lineages like Dan Inosanto, Linda Lee foundation. Master Dan inasanto added Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu jitsu he called jkd concepts. In 2016 I trained with Master Paul Vunak who had trained under Master Dan inosanto but his style was different from his teacher, he worked with Navy seals and he calls his training Rapid assault tactics.

I have blended Jeet Kune Do and Rapid assault tactics along with Wingchun, Muay Chaiya, Shaolin Kung fu, Filipino martial arts, Tai Chi into my own system Shifu Kanishka Combatives

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